Officers and Board of Directors

The officers and directors of GGS carry on the business of the society.

They are elected at the third general meeting of odd-numbered years and installed at the last meeting, usually held in December. The president and vice-president serve as two of three voting trustees of the R. J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation, which awards grants for genealogical publications.

2023-4 Email Directory

Please click/tap an officer or editor name to send them an email.

Office Name
President Tamika Strong
Vice President Larry W. Thomas
Recording Secretary Madelyn Nix
Treasurer Ann Stoskopf
Assistant Treasurer Kathee Fisk
Historian/Archivist Devra Harney
Director/Education Lillian Wingate
IGHR Executive Director
Cyndi Ingle
Director/Membership Sage Singleton
Director/Publicity Terri Ward
Director/Publications Kelley Conner Lear
Director/Policies & Procedures Laura W. Carter
Director/Technology Stacy Cole
Director/Volunteer Vacant
Director at Large Vacant
Non-voting Board Members
Past President Madelyn Nix
Newsletter Editor Eve B. Mayes
Quarterly Editor Candy Freeman

Certified Genealogist (CG) and Certified Genealogical Lecturer (CGL) are Service Marks of the Board for Certification of Genealogists used under license after periodic evaluations by the Board.